Wald Chi Square Table. Wald chi square test proc surveyfreq provides two wald chi square tests for independence of the row and column variables in a two way table. In fact proc hplogistic uses t tests instead of the equivalent wald chi square test.
These columns provide the wald chi square value and 2 tailed p value used in testing the null hypothesis that the coefficient parameter is 0. How to use this table this table contains the critical values of the chi square distribution. For upper tail one sided tests the.
The p value is less than the generally used criterion of 0 05 so we are able to reject the null hypothesis indicating that the coefficients are not simultaneously.
Parameter label df estimate standard error wald chi square pr chi square intercept 1 5 3765 0 1524 1244 88 0 0000 sex female 1 0 3628 0 0227 255 55 0 0000 birth weight 2500 1 0 8318 0 0566 216 06 0 0000 birth weight 2000 to 2499 1 1 1243 0 0528 452 88 0 0000. Wald chi square test proc surveyfreq provides two wald chi square tests for independence of the row and column variables in a two way table. A wald chi square test based on the difference between observed and expected weighted cell frequencies and a wald log linear chi square test based on the log odds ratios. A wald chi square test based on the difference between observed and expected weighted cell frequencies and a wald log linear chi square test based on the log odds ratios.