Sum Est. Errare humanum est perseverare autem diabolicum et tertia non datur to err is human. Sum is the present indicative tense of the verb esse meaning to be as with many other living and dead languages esse is one of the oldest verb forms in latin one of the most frequently used of the verbs and one of the most irregular verbs in latin and related languages.
Contextual translation of sum est into english. Human translations with examples. Sum autosum are the commonly used methods to find the sum in excel.
Contextual translation of sum est into english.
Verbs referencing sum galician ir portuguese ir french être catalan ser galician ser portuguese ser spanish ser romanian fi catalan ésser middle french estre old french estre occitan èsser dalmatian saite friulian jessi norman ête. Latin sum es est sumus estis sunt. To persist in committing such errors is of the devil and the third possibility is not given. The stem for the imperfect indicative is er.