Sirsasana Preparatory Poses. Preparatory poses associated with sirsasana. After the 6 rounds of sun salutations sit down on the mat and stretch the legs out in dandasana and take a few breaths here.
Once you complete performing sirsasana make sure that you follow it with the asanas stated below. Surya namaskar or sun salutation. While performing this pose the trunk is bent forward so the head touches the knee in the final posture and hence the name janu sirs asana.
Nothing beats a good side bending practice.
These are the main preparatory poses that you need to perform before doing sirsasana. Lift your hips just as you would in adho mukha svanasana downward facing dog pose. In this yoga pose the focus here is to help open the upper body to support you in sirsasana. After the 6 rounds of sun salutations sit down on the mat and stretch the legs out in dandasana and take a few breaths here.