Sirsasana Pose Yoga. Massaging the body is also one of the options. What makes sirsasana so special.
No other effort is necessary practicing sirsasana is a great way to lift your energy relax your body and mind. It s a base to the pose for your head support. It is also called headstand pose which is one of the most important yoga poses.
In the words of swami sivananda author of yoga asanas su quote in this asana alone the brain can draw plenty of prana and blood.
It s a base to the pose for your head support. It is a headstand pose wherein your whole body becomes inverted. Now bring down your crown of the head to the mat on the floor and the backside of your head is touching your hands. The name is derived from the sanskrit sirsa meaning head and asana meaning pose or posture in this asana the head and forearms rest on the mat with the hands clasped.