Sirsasana Drawing. Janu sirsasana is an asymmetric forward bending pose that involves stretching and twisting together. Draw your knees in.
Supported head stand can also activate glands. Rest on your arms creating a ball with your body. Head to knee forward bend janu sirsasana downward facing dog pose adho mukha shvanasana tree pose vrikshasana extended side angle pose utthita parsvakonasana parivrtta janu sirsasana steps.
You must now ensure that your torso is straight.
Place the head against the hands top of the head to the mat then lift the body up for the legs to be over head. Draw your head to the mat about half a foot in front of the hands. Supported head stand is an intermediate inversion that can also be considered a balancing posture. Head on knee pose head to knee forward bend or seated head to knee pose.