Reporting Mann Whitney U Test In Table. This will act as a surrogate to the standard deviation we would otherwise report if the data were normally distributed. For one tail tests double the value of alpha and use the appropriate two tailed table.
I run non parametric tests mann whitney u test and kruskal wallis test while analyzing the results of my research. The ranks table is the first table that provides information regarding the output of the actual mann whitney u. The iqr is the 25th to 75th percentile.
The statistical significance value meaning that if we were to replicate this study 1000 times we would be wrong 34 times.
The ranks table is the first table that provides information regarding the output of the actual mann whitney u. The iqr is the 25th to 75th percentile. I searched a lot but unable to find the tables of these two tests in apa. A mann whitney test indicated that the slices of pizza eaten was greater for football mdn 9 than for basketball players mdn 5 u 67 5 p 034.