Mann Whitney U Testi Spss. Tick mann whitney u under test type. The dependent variable must be as least ordinally scaled.
Click on define groups and input the values that define each of the groups that make up the grouping variable i e the coded value for group 1 and the coded value for group 2. A mann whitney u test is a non parametric alternative to the independent unpaired t test to determine the difference between two groups of either continuous or ordinal data. The mann whitney u test is a non parametric test that is useful for determining if the mean of two groups are different from each other.
The mann whitney u test is a non parametric test that is useful for determining if the mean of two groups are different from each other.
The result will appear in the spss data viewer. The mann whitney u test is a non parametric test that is useful for determining if the mean of two groups are different from each other. Unlike the independent samples t test the mann whitney u test allows you to draw different conclusions about your data depending on the assumptions you make about your data s distribution. Click on define groups and input the values that define each of the groups that make up the grouping variable i e the coded value for group 1 and the coded value for group 2.