Mann Whitney U Test Formula. For small samples use the direct method see below to find the u statistic. If cont true default a continuity correction is applied.
For this example in our example u 3. U i 1 n j 1 m s x i y j displaystyle u sum i 1 n sum j 1 m s x i y j with. Or you can use technology like spss to run the test.
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It is considered to be the nonparametric equivalent to the two sample independent t test. U i 1 n j 1 m s x i y j displaystyle u sum i 1 n sum j 1 m s x i y j with. S x y 1 if y x 1 2 if y x 0 if y x. The test statistic for the mann whitney u test is denoted u and is the smaller of u 1 and u 2 defined below.