Do Not Compare With Others Quotes. Comparison is the thief of joy theodore roosevelt. Featured image via the coveteur graphics by jennifer rose smith.
We re only envious of those already doing what we were made to do. Comparison is an act of violence against the self iyanla vanzant. The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else s highlight reel.
Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.
We re only envious of those already doing what we were made to do. We re only envious of those already doing what we were made to do. I think if you are self aware about your self then you will never compare your self with others. Everyone else is already taken oscar wilde when you are content to be simply yourself and don t compare or compete everyone will respect you lao tzu comparison is the root cause of all evil.