Descriptive Statistics Stata Command. For each variable in the command s varlist it selects observations that correspond to chosen alternatives and displays statistics categorized by the chosen alternatives. Location tells you the central value the variable the mean is the most common measure of this.
Descriptive statistics for continuous data use descriptive statistics. Description tabstat displays summary statistics for a series of numeric variables in one table possibly broken down on conditioned by another variable. This module shows common commands for showing descriptive information and descriptive statistics about data files.
Location tells you the central value the variable the mean is the most common measure of this.
Here we will use the auto data file. As you can see it tells us the number of observations in the file the number of variables the names of the variables and more. The table is automatically exported to excel where it can be easily copied and pasted to word without losing the formatting. Description tabstat displays summary statistics for a series of numeric variables in one table possibly broken down on conditioned by another variable.