Casio Fx Cg50 Games. Casio fx cg50 games see also edit graphcalc a software graphing calculator application available for windows and linux grapher a software graphing calculator application included with mac os x references edit kellner tomas 10 february 2017. My students fell in love with the simplicity of its menu driven icons.
As a teacher i look for technology that will support what i am doing in class and not complicate my lessons. Casio prizm fx cg games. Casio s graphing fx cg50 prizm calculator also runs micropython slightly different version 1 9 4.
The first full lua game for the casio prizm bloxorz is a port of an nspire game.
Playing super mario special on my casio fx cg50 calculator. You can adjust the window and trace over the mesh to examine x y and z value. Graph3dp is a powerful 3d graphing application for the casio prizm fx cg10 fx cg20 fx cg50. Casio s graphing fx cg50 prizm calculator is the second calculator that we know of that is running a port of micropython.