Analisis Ipa Dan Csi. Customer satisfaction index csi method to determine the level of customer satisfaction and the importance performance analisys ipa method to identify the importance of each service attribute and priority improvements that must be made by ois photography. Used in this study is descriptive analysis importance performance analysis ipa customer satisfaction index csi internal factors evaluation ife external factor evaluation efe analysis internal external ie and the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats swot.
And performance analysis ipa dari setiap dimensi dan atribut kualitas jasa digunakan untuk menghitung nilai customer satisfaction index csi sehingga dapat diketahui tingkat kepuasan terhadap kinerja pelayanan 4. Analisis kinerja layanan perguruan tinggi menggunakan customer satisfaction index csi dan importance performance analysis ipa saiful ghozi1 aditya rakhman rakim2 mahfud3 1 2jurusan akuntansi politeknik negeri balikpapan 3jurusan teknik sipil politeknik negeri balikpapan saiful ghozi poltekba ac id abstrak informasiartikel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat kepentingan setiap atribut berdasarkan metode importance performance analysis ipa dan mengetahui tingkat kepuasan konsumen berdasarkan metode customer satisfaction index csi.
Customer satisfaction index csi method to determine the level of customer satisfaction and the importance performance analisys ipa method to identify the importance of each service attribute and priority improvements that must be made by ois photography.
The method of analysisis test validity and reliability determine custumer satisfaction indexs csi and determine importance performance analisys ipa. The method used is the importance performance analysis ipa and the customer satisfaction index csi doped with miscrosoft software excel for windows and spss for windows. Questionnaires distributed amounted to 90 respondents with a sampling with accidental sampling method. Customer satisfaction index csi method to determine the level of customer satisfaction and the importance performance analisys ipa method to identify the importance of each service attribute and priority improvements that must be made by ois photography.