Amos Bow Stats. Stacks up to 5 times on each arrow. Increases normal attack and charged attack dmg by 24.
Normal and charged attack dmg increases by 8 every 0 1 seconds for up to 5 times. Increases normal attack and aimed shot dmg by 12. Increases dmg from arrows shot by a further 8 10 12 14 16 for every 0 1s that the arrow is in flight up to 0 5s.
Arrow dmg increases by 8 every 0 1s for up to 5 times.
Stacks up to 5 times on each arrow. Normal and charged attack dmg increases by 16 every 0 1 seconds for up to 5 times. Amos bow stats how to get weapon skill strong willed increases normal and charged attack dmg by 12. Normal and charged attack dmg increases by 8 every 0 1s for up to 5 times.